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International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies

A fellowship of churches and ministers demonstrating the love of God through the proclamation of the Gospel and the development of disciples.


Our Story

The International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies in was officially established in 1927 in Niagara Falls, New York as cooperative fellowship among Italian-speaking Pentecostal people.


However the roots of the IFCA pre-date that meeting to the Chicago Awakening 20 years earlier when the fire of the Holy Spirit fell on many in Chicago among the local Italian immigrants. This became the foundation the IFCA was founded on. As the Holy Spirit fell on that city, a burning passion for God and the Lost was ignited and spread from house to house then this group began feeling called to the feign mission field first including Brazil and Italy.


Today, there is still a burning passion for the Holy Spirit to impact North America and the world. There are about 70 churches throughout the USA and about 40 global missions impacting communities for the Love and Hope of Jesus Christ.




Meet The Leadership

Executive Board

National Directors


Tel. 724-962-3501



IFCA Office

1294 Rutledge Rd, 
Transfer PA. 16154





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