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Wheat Field

With your faithful giving we will be able to fully accomplish the mission and vision God has for the IFCA.

If you are looking for the IFCA missionaries giving; give below.

Cheerful Giver

Credential Forms & Information

The following PDF files are the current list of forms or applications for credential holders. 


Credential Application: All persons seeking to hold credentials in the IFCA for the first time must complete this one time application for submission and approval to hold credentials with the IFCA. There are four levels of credentials as specified in the IFCA National Bylaws.

  1. Christian Worker, 

  2. Licensed to Preach, 

  3. Minister of the Gospel

  4. Ordained Minister.


Credential Upgrade: All persons seeking to upgrade credentials in the IFCA to OM, MG, or LP complete this form and send to their respective District.


Credential Renewal: Current credential holders must complete annually a Credential Renewal Form to keep their credential status current in the IFCA.

Credential Renewal Form.pdf
Upload Completed forms here


Tel. 724-962-3501



IFCA Office

1294 Rutledge Rd, 
Transfer PA. 16154





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